Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Poop and lingering vomit

So, picture this. I'm sitting at my computer, looking through a few pics and whatnot on myspace. My Porter wakes up from his nap, with a smile on his face as always. I pick up and give him love. I'm burying my face in his neck when it happens....he heaves. Not once. Not twice. But three times. He pukes. Projectile pukes. Very little vomit touched any surface without first touching me. Pools of it on his shirt, my arm, my shirt...it's everywhere. I now see that he rarely chews his food before swallowing it. 2" long french fries, apple chunks, filet o fish. Oh, and American cheese.
After cleaning him up, and cleaning myself up, which involved changing EVERY item of clothing I had on, including the hidden ones (hidden, but not safe from puke), I come out to clean up the puke off the computer chair (which is dripping on the floor), and of course, Port's fine. He crawls away to go play in Brother's room.
Then, here comes Dom. For whatever reason he stops, right in front of the fish tank, where I catch site of a brown silhouette coming from inside his diaper. "Did you poop?" I say. "Nope! No poop Mommy!" as he runs into his room. Joy.
I must go now. Maybe I will go hide in the shower.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter preparations...

The night before Easter sure was a crazy one! We didn't get started on ANYTHING until probably 7pm, or even later, I can't remember! We started with mixing some batter for our mini cupcakes. Dom was really excited about helping out, while Porter was sorta afraid of the mixer. I took pics of most of the process, sans the batter itself.
It was a process for sure. So many things going on at one time! Two batches of cupcakes, boiled two batches of eggs, colored eggs, and then I put their baskets together! I also made deviled-eggs and forgot to put them in the fridge!
K, on to the pics!
Like I said, Dom was having so much fun!
He liked helping color the icing too, but I knew if I stopped to take a pic, his hands would be in them!
They were kinda cute, right!?
This is out of order of the process, but they got decorated after the kiddos were asleep, and after the coloring of the eggs.

And now we move on the coloring of the Easter eggs! This was kinda rushed as it was after bedtime and I had water boiling for more eggs to make deviled eggs. But you get the idea.
It was hell keeping Dom's fingers out of the dye!
Admiring our work!
And because I like to humor myself into thinking I take good pics...
They were sorta messy and nothing to brag about, but it was fun!

I have some cute shots from Easter itself, but I think that's for another post. I need to get the boys in their jammies and send them off to bed. Just thought I'd share some of these before the next holiday! :-)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Last minute shopping

It's the day before Easter, and I'm on my way to Target to pick up some last minute things. Why do I subject myself to a trip to the mall...on a holiday weekend....with two small children....all by myself? The by myself thing can't be avoided, as I can't find anyone to go with me. Oh well, this is the 3rd day in a row of going to the mall (I'm spacey and forget things) and the other 2 were alone as well. I also have to return 2 shirts to Gap, so it's not a completely Easter focused trip. But that means I need to venture outside of Target INTO the mall...again, why do I do this to myself?

I think I'm losing weight. I bought several things for myself on Thursday and took it all back yesterday to exchange my larges for mediums. Even one of my mediums hangs to too low on my shoulders, so I'm returning that today. The other shirt I'm returning isn't so cute. I thought it would look better when I got it in the right size, but I was wrong. Maybe I'll exchange them for some more pjs for the boys....Gap's jammies are awesome!

I'm off to get the boys dressed. I guess we'll finish A Goofy Movie before we leave.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Lot on my plate

On a whim, Chris and I decided to remodel the bathroom. This was about 2 weeks ago or so I guess. It's still not done. It's something we've planned on doing for quite some time (it had carpet in there), but we finally decided to do it cause one of the cats pissed in there and it smelled. So we went out and picked out some beautiful black granite, and tore down the plastic sheeting from our wall, and ordered a custom countertop/vanity. With Chris having to work out of town last week, things got put at a standstill, but now all that's left is painting and sealing the grout. And of course installing the new vanity when it gets in (like 4-5 weeks).

Thing are going pretty good with my sewing I guess. I have a few more things that NEED to get done asap, and then I can start on stocking my WAHM thread on DS and making up business cards. I ordered a pair of snap pliers, so there's a few diaper patterns I'd love to buy to try out. Things are finally coming together.

Our TV broke on Sunday, so that set us back a little. We were sitting there watching it when the screen kinda bowed and went all 3D and what not. Two years ago, we bought our TV at Walmart on Black Friday (blitz), as did my sister in law and my mother in law. Kira's was the first to go, then Cathi's, now ours, all the EXACT same problem. I guess you get what you pay for. I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did with it being on in the background all the time and kids beating on it all time.

Chris is going to Moab tomorrow for the four-wheeling stuff. His once a year getaway. I'd love one of those. He'll probably come home Saturday just to turn around and head back to work on Sunday. Maybe I'll get some sewing done while he's gone. I really have SO much of it to do....

finish a custom that needs sent out tomorrow
shirt for my niece (was supposed to be a gift in Feb)
tutu for my other niece (birthday gift in a week and a half)
2 fleece longies and a nursing cover for a friend's baby
fleece blanket, flannel receiving blanket, fleece shorties or longies, a kimono top and a Raglan top for another friend's baby and older daughter
a few Raglan tops for the boys, especially Porter's for his birthday (need a few to practice though, never used this pattern)

Phew....I quit now. Can I do that?
some diapers to apply for license and stock

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


So I told myself that if I started a blog, I'd stay on top of it and update it frequently. Didn't quite work out that way huh?
And I'm not gonna update with much right now either. I'm gonna try to get the boys ready so we can make it to storytime at the library. Wish me luck.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

My latest diaper!

So when I started sewing, I basically started on diapers, took a break to branch out, and today I made another diaper. This was a custom for a mama on DS, but it took me so long to get to it that now it's hers for free. I haven't sat at my machine for probably close to 2 months! It felt so nice! My mom came over today to use my machine to shorten her curtains, and it stirred a bunch of sewing lust in me, so I braved it with BOTH the boys awake and though it took me about an hour to just SEW the dang thing, it's done! It'll be in the mail on the way to it's new owner on Monday!

This was made from the Rita's Rump Pocket pattern. I shortened the front and back wings a wee bit, and didn't case the elastic. I like it the best so far out of the others I've made!
Next, I really want to get a snap press. When I do, I'll start making Trimsies and Hippy Hippy Snap pockets. I can't wait!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Today is a new day...

As it always will be right?
I have quite a bit to try to accomplish today. I have to go to either Target or Walmart and get a new lampshade for the lamp in my living room. Dom knocked it over, and it's been on the verge of breaking for a while, and it just gave in. Right now one of the rods is being held on by packing tape. Oh, and Dom decided to tell his G-ma that I broke it. It was very nice of him to give me credit.
I would like to get my kitchen cleaned, my fabric and sewing stuff organized (again), my living room and bathroom vaccuumed, my bed made, and both the bathrooms thoroughly cleaned. And yet I'm sitting here. On the computer. So how much is gonna get done today?
I also have to pick up a few groceries. I was thinking of making some green chile chicken enchiladas for dinner tonight, but maybe since Chris won't be home until late, I'll save the enchiladas for tomorrow. Either way, if I'm gonna be out, I'll get what I need today.
Dom has also figured out how to climb up some shelf type things on his bunk bed, and can now get up on the top. When we bought the bed, we took the ladder off, and later the slide, when he figured out how to climb up that. Well, two days ago, he discovered he can climb up the side, so I need to get something to cover those spaces. My SIL has some extra plastic sheeting stuff that she used to cover the railing slits in her house, so I'm gonna see if I can't get some of that from her. Scary stuff for a 2 year old being on a top bunk, right!?
Porter's hand is almost completely healed. It's been a week today since he burned it, and I let him go bandage free last night. I really think the risk of infection is gone, but I will continue to keep a close eye on it until it's better. Poor child of mine.
I think I'll start my quest with a shower. My hair is greasy. Gud day.