I've been planning on starting a blog for quite some time, but would you believe the one thing that was holding me back was not being able to come up with a url? I contemplated on quite a few, and while some were quite clever, I figured I'd pick something that was more simple and easy to remember.
I've been trying for almost an hour to get Porter down for a nap. I'm getting a little frustrated by it. The past few weeks have been quite stressful for one reason or another, and I just don't think I'm coping with it well. Other than that, my Porter is an angel. Always smiling, always happy, yet VERY opinionated. Not hesitant to let you know when you pissed him off.
Dominick is for some reason not coping so well with Porter, or his emotions. You'd figure that after 9 months, he'd be used to his brother's presence, but I guess he's not. All day it's a constant battle of snatching and pushing. I know this was done to him from a few people in his life, so I'm sure that's where he's picked it up from. I tell you what, it's easier to pick up a habit than it is to get rid of one. Someday (soon I hope) he'll realize that just cause he's bigger, that doesn't give him the right to be a bully.
I don't expect Dom to share his toys because I tell him to. They are, in fact, his toys. But that doesn't mean that I'm ok with him throwing all HIS toys all over my house, and following Porter around, making sure he doesn't play with certain ones. "You can't take over my house buddy, sorry. If there's a toy you don't want him to play with, than get it out of his reach or take it to your room." I'm sure a lot of this has spawned from Porter being bigger and him able to do more things, so hopefully this phase will wear off soon. I don't have a selfish child. I have a 2 year old. Right? Right.
I'm anxiously waiting for Chris to call. It seems we only talk once or twice a day, and that's kinda sad. I miss him. Nuff said.
I took some pics of the boys for St. Patty's day. I'm still trying to edit some, but it turns out I'm Photoshop and Gimp illiterate, so oh well.
Somehow I really messed up Porter's picture (it was looking good at about 2 am!), and will probably change it out with the original later. I replaced the original, so I have to reupload. Don't judge me.
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